Tuesday, July 16, 2024

check out LMFP virtual wrestling LIVE on TWITCH

 This virtual feud will continue LIVE on Twitch, come hang out and chat with us! Drop your match requests. Help support this stream by subbing and sharing. Do it please. https://www.twitch.tv/lmfightpromotions?sr=a

Muna and Jaime fallout, Thelma new contender?

A nervous thrill shot through Muna. This wasn't just another match at LM Fight Promotions; it was supposed to be different. Jaime, her sparring partner, the one who sent her heart into overdrive with a playful headlock, had finally admitted their feelings were mutual. This apartment brawl was meant to be their first public display of affection, disguised as playful aggression. Now, Jaime had canceled last minute, a cryptic text citing only 'unforeseen circumstances' as her excuse. The disappointment was a bitter pill to swallow, leaving Muna battling a maelstrom of emotions: confusion, hurt, and a simmering anger that threatened to boil over. Instead of Jaime's familiar smirk across the bed, she'd be facing Thelma Flores, a notorious cheat known for her playful never knowing when to stop attitude. This wasn't the stage Muna envisioned for their first 'date', but as she threw on her favorite hoodie, a steely resolve hardened her gaze. She would channel every ounce of frustration, every unanswered question, into a performance that would make Jaime regret missing it. Thelma might not be a force to be reckoned with, but tonight, Muna was going to unleash some playful aggression. 

Muna stepped off the bed, flushed and exhilarated, a wide grin plastered across her face. Her session with Thelma had been intense, a whirlwind of grapples and holds, ending in a satisfying draw. Later that evening, she messaged Jaime, eager to recount the details of the match, the way Thelma had countered her signature hip toss, the near pin that had them both holding their breath. But Jaime, who usually responded within minutes, remained silent. Days passed, the silence stretching into an uncomfortable void.

 Scrolling through LM Fight Promotions YouTube, Jaime stumbled upon a video titled '(LMFP) apartment wrestling - Muna vs Thelma "Friendly Grappler" Flores'. Her stomach dropped. The playful jabs and lighthearted competition they used to share felt a million miles away. 

Muna felt lonely, no responses from Jaime, joy evaporated, replaced by a knot of anxiety in her gut. She knew in her gut that Jaime, her friend, her old wrestling partner, was jealous. And in that jealousy, she had chosen silence, leaving Muna to grapple not just with the complexities of friendship but also the sting of being ghosted.