Wednesday, August 5, 2020

the new new LMFP 24/7 Championship

     Shortly after the LMFP 24/7 title celebrated a 1 year anniversary, the title is yet rebranded again. In a short years time, we have seen a handful of 24/7 champions,  the original 24/7 title belt was stolen from my car and buried in a field.
    From there a temporary home made belt was thrown together. Although it was original, it did not serve justice to the history.
     As an incentive to compete, I had a custom one of a kind 24/7 title made.  Personally, I like this design more than WWE's current 24/7 title.  This LMFP 24/7 is completely authentic and original. It is something to be proud of. I think belt marks and other wannabe champions will flock to LMFP for a chance at this 15 pounds of gold.
    Whomever hold this championship, he must never let his guard down if he wishes to retain. This belt is on the line 24/7 365, and can be challenged for by anyone at anytime, in any place.
Here is a link to the ultimate anthology of the LMFP 24/7 championship --->